The Boheme - Bouquet Bundle

The Boheme - Bouquet Bundle


The Boheme Bouquet Bundle consist of four different ribbons:

1 x Pebble Grey Crepe Silk Ribbon

1 x Bone Crinkle Silk Ribbon

1 x Antique Mauve Satin Silk Ribbon

1 x Dusty Plum Classic Silk Ribbon

Our Bouquet Collections make everything easier and are effortlessly elegant and totally luxe, to allow you to create the perfect ‘ full bouquet’. They come beautifully packaged in a silk organza wrap or cotton bag. The Sheer and Satin ribbons are spooled but our crinkled ribbons come neatly folded. You can press them lightly if you would like to soften the crinkle.

Our hand dyed silk ribbons are all coloured using ingredients largely foraged and found in nature. We dye with ‘living colour’, and as a result our ribbons are wildly complex while being effortlessly beautiful. Just like our S&B Brides and Clients! Our silks are ‘perfectly imperfect’, each carries its own subtle variations and small nuances that occur during the hand dying, hand tearing, hand fraying and hand pressing process.

Our ribbons are rolled by hand onto spools, with the exception of our bouquet bundles and crinkle silk ribbons.

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